Five reasons why you should read books

I love reading, and will usually churn through a book a fortnight as part of a nightly habit. Here are my five reasons why you should read books for a more simple life.

1) Reading makes you smarter

Reading expands your vocabulary, helps you learn new and interesting things, and most importantly, help you realise how little you know about the world.

2) Reading connects you with others experience

Reading will help you understand different perspectives and increase your empathy with your fellow humans.
Five reasons why you should read books
Tulane Public Relations CC 2.0 

3) Reading makes life more fun

C'mon you know it's true. Reading doesn't have to be a chore and I'm sure everyone has a topic or hobby they are interested in reading about.

4) Reading helps you make friends

Will learning about your uncle's opinions on Donald Trump on Facebook really add to your ability to interact with people - no.

Books are different. Books expand your knowledge and make you a more interesting person to talk to at parties.

5) Reading is a cheap hobby

Sure, you can make any hobby expensive, and reading is no different. Reading does have some very cheap options available to you. Libraries tend to be free or ridiculously cheap, and even the humble paperback can be picked up cheaply at most bookstores.

So enjoy a more simple life and save some money - read a book!

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